Quick view Details Alpha Biosciences sku: M13-113 Malt Extract Agar (M13-113) $157.99 Was: Now: $109.24 - $1,705.43 Choose Options
Quick view Details Alpha Biosciences sku: F06-102 Fraser Broth (F06-102) Was: Now: $74.03 - $1,182.60 Choose Options
Quick view Details Alpha Biosciences sku: W23-102 WL Nutrient Agar (W23-102) Was: Now: $46.10 - $767.91 Choose Options
Quick view Details Alpha Biosciences sku: S19-110 Sim Medium (S19-110) $166.59 Was: Now: $91.34 - $1,439.64 Choose Options
Quick view Details Alpha Biosciences sku: M13-105 Mr-Vp Broth (M13-105) Was: Now: $69.18 - $1,110.63 Choose Options
Quick view Details Alpha Biosciences sku: U21-100 Universal Beer Agar (U21-100) $169.99 Was: Now: $138.60 - $2,141.36 Choose Options
Quick view Details Alpha Biosciences sku: U21-102 Urea Agar Base (U21-102) $174.99 Was: Now: $0.00 - $92.43 Choose Options
Quick view Details Alpha Biosciences sku: B02-103 BCYE Agar [Legionella Agar] (B02-103) $469.43 Was: Now: $0.00 - $1,575.45 Choose Options
Quick view Details Alpha Biosciences sku: M13-106 MacConkey Agar (M13-106) $107.97 Was: Now: $83.38 - $1,321.41 Choose Options
Quick view Details Alpha Biosciences sku: M13-129 Malt Extract Broth (M13-129) Was: Now: $89.74 - $1,415.94 Choose Options
Quick view Details Alpha Biosciences sku: B02-125 Barney Miller Agar (B02-125) Was: Now: $217.13 - $3,335.74 Choose Options
Quick view Details Alpha Biosciences sku: P16-126 Potato Dextrose Broth (P16-126) Was: Now: $86.78 - $1,209.30 Choose Options
Quick view Alpha Biosciences sku: M13-113 Malt Extract Agar (M13-113) Malt Extract Agar Malt Extract Agar is a solid medium used for the cultivation and maintenance of fungi, particularly yeast and molds. The medium is based on the formula recommended by Thom and Church. Pancreatic Digest of Gelatin provide nitrogenous... $157.99 Was: Now: $109.24 - $1,705.43 Choose Options
Quick view Alpha Biosciences sku: F06-102 Fraser Broth (F06-102) Fraser Broth Fraser Broth Base is a liquid medium used for the selective enrichment of Listeria spp. This broth was first described by Fraser and Sperber, and is utilized with a Ferric Ammonium Citrate supplement for the rapid detection... Was: Now: $74.03 - $1,182.60 Choose Options
Quick view Alpha Biosciences sku: W23-102 WL Nutrient Agar (W23-102) WL NUTRIENT AGAR WL (Wallerstein Laboratory) Nutrient Agar is used for cultivating yeasts, molds, and bacteria encountered in brewing and the industrial fermentation processes. Enzymatic Digest of Casein and Yeast Extract provide nitrogenous... Was: Now: $46.10 - $767.91 Choose Options
Quick view Alpha Biosciences sku: S19-110 Sim Medium (S19-110) SIM Medium SIM Medium is a semisolid medium used for the determination of indole formation, sulfide production, and motility of the Enterobacteriaceae, especially Salmonella and Shigella. Ferrous Ammonium Citrate and Sodium... $166.59 Was: Now: $91.34 - $1,439.64 Choose Options
Quick view Alpha Biosciences sku: M13-105 Mr-Vp Broth (M13-105) MR-VP BROTH MR-VP (Methyl Red Voges-Proskauer) Broth Medium used in differentiating coliform organisms based on the Methyl Red and Voges-Proskauer tests. Enzymatic Digest of Casein and Animal Tissue supply nitrogenous sources, vitamins, and... Was: Now: $69.18 - $1,110.63 Choose Options
Quick view Alpha Biosciences sku: U21-100 Universal Beer Agar (U21-100) Universal Beer Agar Universal Beer Agar was formulated by Kozulis and Page to isolate and enumerate a wide variety of bacteria and yeast which are encountered in the brewing industry. The selectivity of this agar allows only the growth of these... $169.99 Was: Now: $138.60 - $2,141.36 Choose Options
Quick view Alpha Biosciences sku: U21-102 Urea Agar Base (U21-102) UREA AGAR BASE Urea Agar Base is used with added agar to detect urease activity by the Enterobacteriaceae. This lightly buffered medium contains Urea and Phenol Red as pH indicator. Urease activity alkalinizes the environment, thus producing... $174.99 Was: Now: $0.00 - $92.43 Choose Options
Quick view Alpha Biosciences sku: B02-103 BCYE Agar [Legionella Agar] (B02-103) BCYE AGAR (LEGIONELLA AGAR) Buffered Charcoal Yeast Extract (BCYE Agar) medium is used for the isolation, cultivation and maintenance of Legionella spp. from environmental and clinical specimens. Yeast Extract provides essential... $469.43 Was: Now: $0.00 - $1,575.45 Choose Options
Quick view Alpha Biosciences sku: M13-106 MacConkey Agar (M13-106) MacConkey Agar MacConkey Agar is a solid medium recommended for the cultivation of Gram-negative, lactose-fermenting enteric bacteria in samples of water, milk, and foods. MacConkey Agar is used for the isolation and differentiation of the... $107.97 Was: Now: $83.38 - $1,321.41 Choose Options
Quick view Alpha Biosciences sku: M13-129 Malt Extract Broth (M13-129) Malt Extract Broth Malt Extract Broth is a liquid medium used for the cultivation of yeasts and molds that is recommended in US FDA's Bacteriological Analytical Manual. Mycological Peptone provides nitrogenous sources for the growth of yeasts and... Was: Now: $89.74 - $1,415.94 Choose Options
Quick view Alpha Biosciences sku: B02-125 Barney Miller Agar (B02-125) Barney Miller Agar Barney Miller Agar is used for the detection and enumeration of beer spoilage microorganisms. This medium was developed by Barney, Kot, and Chicoye at Miller Brewing Company to detect the presence of lactic acid bacterium. This... Was: Now: $217.13 - $3,335.74 Choose Options
Quick view Alpha Biosciences sku: P16-126 Potato Dextrose Broth (P16-126) Potato Dextrose Broth Potato Dextrose Broth is a liquid medium used for the cultivation and isolation of yeasts and molds from dairy and food products. The nutritionally rich base provided by Potato Infusion and Dextrose encourages mold... Was: Now: $86.78 - $1,209.30 Choose Options